Anti-Ragging Committee
Ragging is a punishable offense by law. It is viewed very seriously and the Supreme Court has issued strict orders to curb the menace of ragging in educational institutes. Detailed orders can be read on
Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College has zero tolerance towards ragging. The institute has never experienced or reported a single case of ragging till date. Newly admitted students are assured of the safe and student-friendly environment prevalent on the campus during their induction program.
The Institute has set up an Anti-Ragging Committee under the leadership of the Head of the Institute to ensure that measures for prevention of ragging and monitoring mechanisms are in place. There are also provisions for actions to be taken against students for indulging in and abetting ragging.
The Committee comprises of:
- Representatives of civil and police administration
- NGOs involved in youth activities
- Representatives of faculty members
- Representatives of parents
- Representatives of students belonging to the fresher’s category as well as senior students
- Representative of administrative staff
As per AICTE notified regulations for prevention and prohibition of ragging in AICTE approved technical Institutions vide No.37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009 dated 01.07.2009.
Committee members
Anti Ragging Squad
Action against ragging : Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act 1999 which is in effect from 15th May 1999 has the following provisions for Action against Ragging.
1. Ragging within or outside of any educational institution is prohibited.
2. Whosoever directly or indirectly commits, participates in, abets, or propagates ragging within or outside any educational institution shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term up to 2 years and / or penalty which may extend to ten thousand rupees.
3. Any student convicted of an offence of ragging shall be dismissed from the educational institution and such student shall not be admitted in any other educational institution for a period of five years from the date of order of such dismissal.
Whenever any student or, as the case may be the parent or guardian or a teacher of an educational institution complaints, in writing, or ragging to the head of the educational institution, the head of the educational institution shall, without prejudice to the foregoing provisions, within seven days of the receipt of the complaint, enquire into the matter mentioned in the complaint and if, prima facie, it is found true, suspend the student who is accused of the offence, and shall, immediately forward the complaint to the police station having jurisdiction over the area in which the educational institution is situated, for further action. Where, on enquiry by the head of the educational institution, it is found that there is no substance, prima facie, in the complaint received, he/she shall intimate the fact, in writing, to the complainant. The decision of the head of the educational institution shall be final. If the head of the educational institution fails or neglects to act in the manner specified in section “4” above when a complaint of ragging is made, such person shall be deemed to have abetted the offence and shall, on conviction, be punished as provided for in section “2” above.
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